Organisations I work closely with.

World Association of Master Chefs

WAMC (as it is known) is one of the largest Hospitality Associations in the world with locations in over 49 countries.  The aim of WAMC has always been to provide a worldwide sharing platform for professional skills and experiences. With this worldwide network, various celebrity chefs, masters, and hospitality experts from around the world are invited to join the membership of WAMC. 

With their valuable support and assistance, WAMC can assist in the realisation of dreams and promoting the international culinary field along with worldwide cuisine and culture sharing activity through television shows, magazine, and others.

Like many organisations around the world, the association prides itself on the excellence of its members and the skills which they bring to the industry. The common cry of the association which is in Latin is "dignitatem ex hoc conatus" which in English means "excellence through effort", a fitting statement for the skill level and dedication of all associated.

Visit their website