Oh, the joy of it. the freedom and luxury of running a home business can be fantastic. You have the flexibility to set your own hours, freedom to make your own schedule and you get to be your own boss, so what could be the problem? Unfortunately, sometimes it's hard to stay focused. Your mind can wander, the TV can become enticing and tasks can fall by the wayside, and before you know it procrastination sets in and suddenly, you're having to work 12-hour days just to keep up.
I've always said that when working from home you need to remain focused. It is the only way you can achieve the results you need and the success you want. It's not about the number of hours you work. It's about the planning and the process.
Here are six tips for staying focused while running your own home-based business:
1.Wake up earlier. Some of our best work is done in the morning, without the distractions of daily tasks. Whether you have children or not, getting up even just an hour early can produce amazing results when you have a big task to tackle. Time is always going to be a factor so use it wisely.
2.Turn off distractions, including email. If you like to check your email or social networking sites, make sure you set aside an hour of uninterrupted and focused time to go through them. Then you can prioritize the rest of your time accordingly. You'll be amazed at the results. I check emails first thing every morning just in case there are some I need to work on that day.
3.Get out of the house. This one is important and a must. Go for a walk. Even better, take your laptop down the street to a local coffee shop. Sometimes, getting out of your space is not only good for you physically and mentally, but it can also help reinvigorate your ideas and get your creative juices flowing. Next time you're struggling over a problem or facing a creative block, try a change of scenery.
4.Plan your day. Get an agenda and set aside blocks of time for each task or project. This is a great way to help you stay focused, it will also help you track the amount of time you really are spending on each project or client.
5.Set boundaries. Let your family know that the office is out-of-bounds and let yourself know that the workday is done at 5pm (or whatever time you feel comfortable with). By setting rules and boundaries for yourself, you're adding valuable structure to your business and this helps you separate home and work.
6.Achieve something. No matter what your plan is for the day, and no matter what you work towards, there is one fundamental aspect of being your own boss and that is, Archive Something every day. This gives you a sense of purpose and as you achieve small things, the big things become to complete themselves.
I'm not saying these six points are the perfect way to do things, but I am sure that following a similar plan like this, will help you and your business thrive. It's always important to have a plan to think about what you want to do and plan accordingly.
Good Luck.
Ok, you can go now.
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