I was reading a post the other day on a Facebook group and it struck me that I was reading very generic comments and advertorials in most cases. Not that all of the comments I read were bad, or for that matter even wrong, however, I felt they did lack a small element that I feel is vital to any business progression…. understanding.
Almost no one on the thread asked what sort of business the person was doing, or wanting to start.
No one asked if he had a business plan or any direction. They all simply sprouted off who they felt was the best Coach.
I am sure these coaches were great and very well educated and experience and I am not trying to take away from that, but without any understanding of the person asking the question, how is it possible that you can simply sprout out a name. It’s paramount of going to Fiverr and selecting the person with the most stars against their name. YOu have no idea if they are actually good, or if their friends simply bought 30 orders from them to give them ratings.
A bit more research is needed.
My opinion is to find a coach that has experience in the field you are in or wanting to go into. Many coaches have great intentions but if they do not know your industry then you may be getting generic advice that is cross-industry suitable, in which case you’re paying for something you could get from free off of Yahoo.
There are many good ones out there though, so ask questions about them before you commit. Questions like:
- What experience do you have in XYZ industry?
- Do you have any case studies or examples where you have helped someone in my industry?
- What makes you different from every other coach out there.
Also do not be afraid if they say no… This means they are honest and willing to be upfront with you (knowing they may lose you as a client). This is a sign of good trust.
“In this world, you get what you pay for.” Kurt Vonnegut
Ok, you can go now.
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Great Article. Very clear