Writing Fresh Articles that Matter using PLR Content.

What to write about? This is a statement I have heard so often from students and business owner’s procrastination when they are wanting to create an article for an assignment or a newsletter. It can often be a real challenge for people to come up with article topics of their own, so they often don’t bother. Though the ones that do look on the internet and can see literally thousands of articles starting with headings like "5 Tips on How to...", "6 Ways to Create...", "My 10 Step Approach to...", and my personal favorite "8 Ways to Become a Better...”, For many it becomes overwhelming to find new ideas.

It seems that there is so much of the same content nowadays that it is hard to see the fresh new approaches to anything. Creativity seems to have given way to duplication and repetitiveness in most content (well that’s my feeling).

So, people who do push past the procrastination phase look for alternative ways to write content, and this more than often leads them to resources on the internet like Fiver or Freelancer, which inevitably may lead them to using PLR articles.

PLR means Private Label Rights, or in other words, it is where the original author of the content allows others to use their work with no restrictions on intellectual property rights. People sell these sorts of articles by the tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands and they are a great source of content for any person wanting to write an article or who needs content for a website. I have used them in the past and refer to some on occasions for ideas.

But here is the issue I have found with PLR articles.

Take for example the following PLR title: "10 ways to start taking control of yourself". This article was originally written for ADD suffers and the earliest reference to it I can find is 2002, yet the exact wording (minus reference to ADD) has now been used over 60 times that I can see. No attempt to change the wording has occurred on most uses and people are passing it off as their own wording.

I am not opposed to the use of PLR articles by any means. I think they are a valuable tool, but I can't help but wonder why people cannot rewrite them into their own words and give a personal approach to their article?

So here are my 3 Tips for using PLR articles with your own writing.

Tip 1. Find an article that is relevant to the topic you are trying to write about and read it to make sure it matches your needs.

Tip 2. Plan out how you want to use the PLR content in your article or website.

TIP 3. REWORD THE CONTENT. Do not pass it off as your own. Take some time and personalize it into your own words. People will be more in tune with reading more if there is an element of personalization about what you are writing.

Be creative. Write about what you’re thinking or feeling. Share your ideas on doing things. Do not worry if it’s not the same as others are saying. Individuality is such an underrated tool these days that there are so many great ideas we never hear of because people are afraid to speak out and share their thoughts. Enjoy the experience of sharing your content instead of relying on older content.

But most importantly, have fun.

Ok, you can go now.

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