Sometimes you don't need a Business Coach. You need someone to just throw ideas at and see what sticks. Someone you can review ideas with and get a different insight or opinion. Well, that's what I offer. I can help you by being your sounding board. Let you share with me ideas and thoughts without me pushing you in a certain direction. I will help you to understand your ideas, look at them logically and identify the right direction for you. I have over 25 years experience in a variety of industries, available for you to pick at and search. Hopefully I can help you solve your hurdles. I act a a Whiteboard for you to get your thoughts and ideas out on. I listen, and then offer frank and honest advice and guidance with no strings attached. I am not selling you un-necessary course or program that cost money you simply do not have. You want someone to build your business for you? Then I am not the guy, but I will guide you on how it can be done. Contact me via my Contact form for more details Click Here to drop me a line.
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