The Lessons I Have Learnt, Developed, and Taught and Should Have Followed. The new book by Gaven Ferguson
When you want to start a business, there are a few basic things you need to do in order to get the foundation. You can change these as you go, but it is important to have a foundation, somewhere to start from, and a simple structure to use and to manage. Simply thinking about it will not be enough.
With so much talk about working smart, many people especially those new to running a business and young people, are starting to get the impression that good old-fashioned hard work went out with the horse-and-buggy. They feel hard work is no longer required to achieve success. After all, we now have computers, e-mail, and cell phones.
As you develop a business, from the very outset you should be creating people that have confidence in you. Without confidence from those people, it will be hard to maintain a strong front and face the challenges that may come before you. For others to have confidence in you, there are some things you can do that will help to ensure they do.
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